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5 Key Reasons Why You Need A Business Card

Here are 5 reasons why need a business card

1. Fancy your chances

It’s the first question people usually ask when they meet you for the first time or when they run into you at a conference: “So, what do you do?” If in doubt, always answer with your profession. And if you’re really in doubt about how to answer that question, a business card is always a safe fall-back option.

2. You’re networking

No matter what your profession, you’ll need to network at some point if you want to make progress. Networking is all about making connections and building relationships. And what better way to do that than handing out your business card?

3. Stay in touch

Networking is really all about staying in touch. So, after you’ve handed out your business card, make sure to ask for the other person’s contact details (email address and phone number), too. If you’re already on Whatsapp or Viber, suggest that you chat there instead of exchanging telephone numbers so that it’s quick and easy for you both. You should also encourage the other person to do the same.

4. Follow up

After meeting someone new at a conference or networking event, stay in touch by sending them occasional updates via email or social media. But if this was someone who seemed particularly interesting or useful to know then don’t wait too long before following up. Send an email within 48 hours of meeting them and follow it up with a phone call if you haven’t heard back.

5. Give recommendations or referrals

When someone asks you for a referral, don’t just give them one name; ask them what they’re looking for so you can point them in the right direction. For example, if they mentioned they were looking to hire someone for social media management, would you mind checking out their Instagram profile? This way your contacts will learn to trust your judgment when it comes to recommending people – which is why they’ll come straight to you when they need something done in the future.

A business card is a handy way to promote your business and make new contacts. It’s also a great way to stay in touch with people you’ve met at conferences or networking events. So, don’t leave home without it!

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